- 科学的、社会的な側面から藻場の情報をまとめ、既存の取り組みや効果的な回復方法を紹介する。
- ラッコ隊の活動や課題を紹介し、知見を共有する。
- これらをもとに、日本での回復活動を発展させるための重要な機会を明らかにする。

- 磯焼け対策に取り組む市民・漁業者・ダイバー
- 磯焼け対策や藻場に関心のある学生
- ブル―カーボンに関心のある企業
- 日本の漁業法等の仕組について理解したい海外の方
- 科学的観点
藻場とは何か、生態系サービス、ブル―カーボン、磯焼け - 社会的観点
日本の漁業(漁業法、漁業権、漁業組合、漁業者や漁業コミュニティ) - 藻場保全の既存の取組
水産庁「磯焼けガイドライン」、有効とされる手法とPDCAサイクル、既存の取組の紹介(政府主導、漁業者、ダイバー、市民グループなど)、新技術やイノベーション、モバイルラッコ隊のこれまでの取組 - 今後に向けた提言
(合計: 45ページ)

Mobile Sea Otters (MSO), a non-profit organisation, was established in 2019 to tackle Isoyake, the decline of Moba in Japan. Through various activities across the nation, we have faced a lot of challenges, found solutions, and learnt many lessons and hints for further development for the future.
In 2022, we wrote this report to summarise and share the large accumulation of information publicly available in Japan as well as to make proposals to accelerate collective efforts to restore the invaluable Moba. We are happy to make this report available for download, free of charge, so that it can reach all those who may benefit from this information.
The objectives
- To serve as the one-stop summary of information around Moba from both scientific and social aspects, looking at existing initiatives and effective restoration methods.
- To introduce MSO’s own activities and challenges faced to share insights.
- And based on the above, to identify key opportunities to develop efforts to restore and regenerate Moba in Japan.

- Citizens, fishers and diver groups working to restore seaweed forest
- Overseas readers trying to understand the basic structure of the Japanese fishery
- Students and academics interested in Isoyake and seaweed forest
- Businesses interested in blue carbon
Table of contents / Keywords
- Scientific Aspect
What is “Moba“(seaweed beds)?, Ecosystem Services, Blue Carbon, “Isoyake” (decline of seaweed beds) - Social Aspect
Social structures of Japanese fisheries (Fisheries Act, fishing rights, fishing cooperatives, fishers and fishing communities of Japan) - Current Initiatives
“Guidelines for Countermeasures against Isoyake” (Fisheries Agency), effective methods and PDCA cycle, overview of ongoing initiatives (government-led, fishers and fishery cooperatives-led, diving community-led, civil organisations and students-led, others), MSO’s work - Proposals to accelerate collective efforts in Japan
Challenges, opportunities, keys to success, proposals
(Total: 45 pages)

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